TheSpyAnts Theatre Company

Sunday, July 22, 2007

StageSceneLA review of "The Reunion"

“Unique” is a word all too frequently bandied about, but in the case of The Reunion: Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same, “unique” is almost an understatement. Writer/directors Darcy Halsey and Danny Parker have
written a 5 1/2 hour play about a 10-year high school reunion which unfolds in just an hour and a half. How, you may ask, do they do that?

By having four scenes unfolding simultaneously in various parts of the Howard Fine Theatre complex. In one room, characters discuss the mysterious death of a popular classmate; in the courtyard, two male classmates, formerly best friends, reunite in a most unexpected way; on the terrace, a glamorous Russian movie star discusses her latest project while elsewhere another
classmate has a nervous breakdown.

Audience members, who are treated to beer/wine/appetizers (included in the $20 admission), must decide which scene to observe and where to go next, making The Reunion a production which can be seen and seen again. (Ticket prices go down $5 each time you come back.) I love TheSpyAnts, and The Reunion gives several dozen of them a chance to show their acting and comedic chops. I dare not begin to name names as there are so many sparkling performances that to attempt to pick out standouts would mean leaving off far too many fine members of the troupe.

This limited return engagement of The Reunion will I hope become an annual event! July 13th - August 4th Fridays & Saturdays 8pm/Sundays 8pm July 22nd & July 29th; The Howard Fine Theatre ,1445 N. Las Palmas Avenue,
Hollywood, CA 90028; Tickets $20 includes beer, wine & hors d'oeuvres; Returning guests receive $5 discount per return; Reservations: 323.860.8786.

--Steven Stanley

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