TheSpyAnts Theatre Company

Monday, July 24, 2006

Tolucan Times review for "The Reunion"

Tolucan Times - Pat Taylor

The Reunion: Everything Changes. Everyone Stays the Same

HOLLYWOOD - If you're ready for a wildly different theatrical hoot, this is the one for you! Performed and penned in the style of Tamara, which ran in Hollywood for 10 years, it is an entertaining, involving journey that really tweaks your mind. Cleverly written and directed with great imagination, by Darcy Halsey and Danny Parker, with plenty of juicy input from their troupe (the SpyAnts) this talented cast of 20 actors is all terrific! In this inventive audience interactive piece, we are guests at a volatile and revealing 10-year class reunion party in 1994. We voyeuristically peer in on these characters' dirty little secrets, passions and progress (both past and present) in individual group scenes, following them through the school and quad, on foot. Like the proverbial fly on the wall, we quietly study a multitude of in your face, explosive and emotional skeletons, as old classmates bare their souls. We drink wine and enjoy munchies from the party table all evening, and the intimate stories we are privy to depend on which characters we chose to follow. Sounds a bit confusing, I know, but it soon all falls into place.

At intermission, openly chat with other audience members or separate from your own friends during the play and compare notes later to catch up on the scenes you missed. It is a brain teasing blast! Too many complex scenes to describe them, and besides, that would spoil your fun! The ticket price (including food and libation) is $20 the first time, $10 the second return, and $5 thereafter, as long as you bring a full paying, unsuspecting newcomer. Many come back again to follow different ones.

Kudos to the entire cast: They are Eric Bunton, Ryan Churchill, Natalie Compagno, Kim Estes, Addi Gaash, Gretchen Gaboury, Darcy Halsey, Linc Hand, Brett Hren, Tammy Kaitz, Shelby Kyle, Melissa Lee, Danny Parker, Dawn Merkel, Marina Mouhibian, Jerry Pappas, Stasia Patwell, Hal Perry, Lana Underwood, and Jenny Vilim This is a naughty, bawdy, fun filled, unique and worthy production! Turn up in the outdoor quad 7:30ish for a drink, a snack, and a chance to read over the program and "class rules." It really helps in your overall experience!

Running through Aug. 5 (possibly longer) at the Howard Fine Theatre, 1445 N. Las Palmas in Hollywood. Call (323) 860-8786.

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